We give value with Values.

At eskalator our values are our immutable laws.

They’re the guard rails of how we treat everyone we
come in contact with.

Show Up

Be committed to ongoing learning, execution & teamwork.

Say what we’ll do and do what we say – be ontime, keep commitments, follow through.

We’re all a part of a team; a team with our clients, our collegues and all stakeholders we work & engage with.

Learn, absorb & extend our minds, continuously

Dream Big, Have Chutzpah.
Think audaciously and thoroughly.

Be passionate, purposeful but precise.

Amaze positively, Be deep, structured & detailed.

Lift people up, do things with pizzaz.

Systematically identify the steps to methodically transform the dream to reality.

Be Wow
Excite people and exceed expectations.

Communicate openly and in a timely manner.

Be open, Be transparent, Be Direct.

Go beyond the expected and exceed customer expectations (internal and external).

Be Just
Do good, do right, be just. Be honest and fair.

Make the world a better place.

Don’t take advantage of people or let them be taken advantage of.

Balance Life
Our clients need to enjoy working with us and we need clients we enjoy working with, on projects that bring both of us energy.

Business should be fun.

Business is a part of our and our clients life, not the totality of it.